On 22/01/2019, Harriet Bazley <li...@bazleyfamily.co.uk> wrote:
> On 24 Sep 2018 as I do recall,
>           Harriet Bazley  wrote:
>> On 21 Sep 2018 as I do recall,
>>           Justin Wierbonski  wrote:
>> > Hey all, I did manage to get NS 3.9 built on my Powerbook G4, but
>> > noticed
>> > when trying to access gmail when javascript is enabled, even if I try
>> > html
>> > mode, it won't load. I just get a page with an ---> on it. If I turn
>> > off
>> > javascript then html mode loads fine.
>> >
>> > So my question is, is there a fix for this, or is there a keyboard
>> > shortcut
>> > for turning off/on javascript? Or is there something I need to change on
>> > my
>> > system to allow the html version load without shutting off javascript?
>> >
>> So far as I know, the only way to access Gmail is to keep Javascript
>> turned
>> off - or to keep altering the setting under Choices->Content.
> Except that now, having logged out of my Gmail account, I find that it
> won't
> let me log in again:
> "The browser you're using doesn't support JavaScript, or has JavaScript
> turned off.
> "To keep your Google Account secure, try signing in on a browser that has
> JavaScript turned on."
> So apparently I've just lost access to that email address...
> (Enabling Netsurf's JavaScript doesn't help.)
> --
> Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==
> Reality is for people who can't face science fiction.
I am running Netsurf v3.2 (August 2014) (from Help -> About) on Ubuntu
Linux 16.04.x .

(NetSurf 3.2 (26th August 2014) )

Interestingly, the Help -> About window, whilst showing the version to
be dated 2014, has "Copyright 2003-2011" (?)

I do not enable javascript in Netsurf.

I access my primary gmail account (the one from which I have posted
thiis message), using Netsurf.

My gmail account is set to the basic mode (I do not knpow whether that
is the name of the mode, as assigned by google - it was previously
displayed in the gmail window, but, is not, now).

The gmail seems to be as usable as gmail is usable (it does not work
with firefox, for me - the way it is displayed in firefox, is

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts",
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992


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