On 15/08/18 12:55, Jim Nagel wrote:

> Here's an example:  http://stjohns-glastonbury.org.uk
> At first I groaned and presumed it's the usual Javascript impasse. But
> looking at its HTML code, you can see that its navigation system uses 
> <ul> (unordered list) for the three menu items that Netsurf shows, but 
> WITHIN each of these list items is nested a second <ul> set that 
> Netsurf does not display.
> Any chance that the new Netsurf release could add this trick?  I've no 
> idea how difficult it would be.  (But at least it ain't Javascript!)

Our current layout engine doesn't support dynamic changes
to the page.  The layout engine needs a rewrite to handle
this, which is a big job.

It won't happen for the release.


Michael Drake                 https://www.codethink.co.uk/

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