In article <>, Peter Slegg
<> wrote:

> Hi,

> I was sent a survey form to fill in.

> 1a is a mandatory question but it is not being rendered in Netsurf.
> (Atari 4258).

> This is the <div> section:

>       <div class="fb-item fb-side-by-side fb-50-item-column
>       fb_cond_applied" id="item82" style="padding: 1px; opacity: 1;">
>         <div class="fb-grouplabel"> <label id="item82_label_0"
>       style="display: inline;">1a. Your main vehicle fuel?</label>


> I don't know if this is bad html or a NS issue but it seems to be the
> fb_cond_applied  that causes it not to display.

The CSS definitions for body, div, label, fb-item, fb-side-by-side,
fb-50-item-column, fb-grouplabel or item82_label_0 could be the problem
too. They could be in the files header or there referenced in a LINKed
CSS file. Or several.

It's arguably easier to open the page in Chrome on a PC for two reasons:
1. the page will render (!)
2. right click an object and 'Inspect' it. It will show you all the CSS
which applies to that object and where its definitions came from.

Having identified the CSS which applies, you could then construct an
experimental page with only the html you quoted and the relevant styles
defined, commenting them out one at a time may then reveal the culprit
for a bug report.


Tim Hill : : : :

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