On 30 Nov, Harriet Bazley wrote in message
> On 28 Nov 2017 as I do recall,
>           Daniel Silverstone  wrote:
> > I don't believe we limit URL length per-se, though they get interned and
> > as such four gigabytes per URL is probably the absolute limit.  In
> > addition, POST data is nominally unlimited though I believe we have a
> > similar four gigabyte limit.
> I had an error today from Netsurf, reporting that a URL was too long to
> display (although it seemed to work).

Due to the problems that the Wimp has changing the allocation of writable
icon buffers, there's an arbitrary limit (255 characters, perhaps?) in the
RISC OS front-end's URL bar. If the core tries to display a longer URL, the
bar is just cleared and you get a warning -- but it doesn't otherwise affect
the browser's operation.

This obviously means that there's a limit to the size of URL that you can
type in, too. But that's it. You can follow any length of link in NetSurf,
and launch any length of URL via the launch protocols.

All subject to that 4GB limit, of course.

Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England


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