On Sat, Nov 04, 2017 at 04:00:46PM +0000, Jim Nagel wrote:
> I'm getting reports by private email that they received my earlier 
> "test" message in the Netsurf list.
> But here, I still have received nothing beyond the two messages I 
> listed in that earlier "test" posting.
> Peculiar.  It's not that I am receiving NO messages from the list, 
> because those two odd ones DID arrive after Oct26.

tl;dr: Your mail server is not routable from ours.

You're subscribed via nets...@abbeypress.co.uk.

root@outmail0:~# host -tmx abbeypress.co.uk
abbeypress.co.uk mail is handled by 0 abbeypress.co.uk.

(Incidentally, using an MX priority of zero is ill-advised, as there are
some people still using qmail, and qmail uses an MX priority of zero to
signal it can speak non-standard SMTP to it.)

root@outmail0:~# host abbeypress.co.uk
abbeypress.co.uk has address

root@outmail0:~# telnet abbeypress.co.uk smtp
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out

The route seems to go dead inside somewhere colled "Veloxserv" in

(Also sent to Jim directly.)


  • test2 Jim Nagel
    • Re: test2 Rob Kendrick

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