On 30 Oct 2017  Chris Newman <cvj...@waitrose.com> wrote:

> In article <56932513adli...@torrens.org>, Richard Torrens (lists)
> <li...@torrens.org> wrote:
>> This may not be a Netsurf thing, but it happens rarely on anything other
>> than Nersurf.

>> The whole of this ARMX6's networking crashes. The only way I have found to
>> recover is a reset.

>> I have found a page which seems to cause this fairly reliably:
>> http://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/water-vole-hole.html

>> Does this happen to anyone else? RO 5.23 (29-Jun-16) NS 3.8 (Dev CI #4238)
>> and earlier versions for some time.

> Works on RiscPC with Netsurf  3.8 Dev CI #4238 JS on. Pictures show OK.
> Reminds me of "Tales of the Riverbank" BBC TV I think. You have to be of a
> certain age to remember that.

OT: I am, and I do.

Best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc Pt) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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