In article <>, Rob Kendrick
<> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 05:16:09PM +0100, Dave Higton wrote:
> > 
> > If anyone reading this thread can shed any light on MTU issues, how
> > to diagnose them and how to fix them, it would be very helpful.

> Something that has bitten be before is where automatic path MTU
> discovery does not work (and I suspect it doesn't on RISC OS), and your
> ISP does not support end-to-end 1500 byte MTUs (many do not).

> The solution is to set your whole LAN's MTU to 1400 or similar,
> although setting it only on the RISC OS machines may be sufficient (and
> not needed on VirtualAcorn because that proxies Windows's IP stack
> which is full-featured and conforming) assuming the problem is only
> sending large packets, not receiving them.

I find it fascinating that my ISP's web support MTU is variously 1454,
1458, 1492 and 1500. This is dependent on hardware - the last one being a
generic setting for 'none of the above routers'.

Funny how the original 'net developers opted for and MTU of around 1500.
Anyone who's had a computer for more than a few weeks ought to wonder why
it's not 1024.


Tim Hill : : : :

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