
As a frequent user of the Atari NS build I passed on your comments
to the Freemint (OS) mailing list.

I don't pretend to know much about the toolchain but they have asked
for some more details about what the issues are ?

My hope is that they may be able to investigate and improve things.

The Freemint OS recently moved onto Github.



> Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2017 11:25:25 +0000
> From: Vincent Sanders <vi...@netsurf-browser.org>
> Subject: Frontend maintainership
> To: netsurf-...@netsurf-browser.org, netsurf-users@netsurf-browser.org
> At the recent NetSurf developer weekend[1] we discussed many topics
> one of which was our regular review of the frontends.
> atari - The atari frontend is built for m68k and coldfire variants
>          using a variant of the netsurf cross compliation
>          toolchain/sdk. No serious updates have been made to this
>          toolchain in some time and it has become a burden.
>         Unless this is addressed before the next developer weekend the
>          frontend will be disabled in the CI and subsequently code
>          removed.

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