> Date: Sat, 14 May 2016 14:24:46 +0100
> From: Jim Nagel <nets...@abbeypress.co.uk>
> Subject: Re: how to make Netsurf forget its logged-in state
> Frank de Bruijn  wrote on 14 May:
> >  If I quit NetSurf it *does* forget the login details, as I would have
> > expected. The authentication window pops up again after a restart.
> > That's with NetSurf 3.6 (Dev CI #3538). Which version are you using?
> I'm using Netsurf 3.5 #3433 (with Javascript switched off at the
> moment, if that's relevant).  And I'll update today, I promise.  I
> usually update much more frequently; the past month or two are
> atypical.
> You're right, though:  quitting Netsurf does forget the login details.
> So that's obviously the simple solution to my original problem.
> Still would like to know where Netsurf stores this info -- cache? --
> and if there'd be any way to erase it (i.e., to "log out") without
> quitting everything else that might be open.

This sounds like the sort of session behaviour that (Oracle) single sign-on
provides. Once you sign-in the browser remembers until you close the whole
browser, this is how IE, Firefox behave with Oracle sso.


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