On 27/01/16 18:05, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
Daniel Silverstone  wrote

Have you reported this, along with an *attached* test case, to the BTS?
If so, can you let me know the issue number?

Michael Drake has reported it upstream to Duktape

That doesn't change the need for a report in the NetSurf bug tracker.
The upstream may decide that the fix doesn't belong in duktape, or
they could implement it, but that would fix nothing for NetSurf
users unless we update duktape in the NetSurf source.

We have an issue tracker to keep track of all the things we need to
do.  It's impossible to remember everything.

I've created an issue here:


I'd be grateful if someone could attach a test case.


Michael Drake                      http://www.netsurf-browser.org/

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