On Mon, 4 Jan 2016 20:56:48 -0000 (UTC), "Gerald Dodson" 
<gerald.dod...@argonet.co.uk> wrote:
> > Can someone else try the Ski Club GB website and see if it does
> > the same as Atari build 3250 ?
> >
> > http://skiclub.co.uk/?utm_campaign=2015-08-14
> >
> > The page open successfully apart from the mouse pointer disappearring.
> > I recover it with a keyboard shortcut but is suggests there is a problem.
> >
> > Then I clicked on the Snow & Weather link in the blue bar and there
> > was an error about the server, then Netsurf crashed.
> >
> > I repeated this 3 times and on the fourth time, the page has opened
> > correctly after the mouse pointer vanished 3 or 4 times.
> >
> > I am going to repeat it the test and make a note of the exact error
> > message.
> >
> > Peter
> No problems with RO 5.18 and NS 3056 on an Iyo.
> Gerald

I was able to repeat the test and got the same result.
The error was:

  Failure when receiving data from the peer

The I noticed in the console:

  render/html_object.c:125: html_object_callback: Assertion `c->base.status != 

I suspect the vanishing mouse pointer is simple due to the slow
rendering of the page. If I wait then the pointer reappears on
its own.



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