In article <>,
   lists <> wrote:
> In article <>,
>    Dave Higton <> wrote:
> > If any of you has seen NetSurf quit (the log shows a segfault)
> > when you clicked in the window, I'd recommend that you get one
> > of today's builds.  (Last time I looked, the latest was 3053.)
> Yes, I've just hit this problem. Unfortunatly none of the versions I have
> will even run. They crash out when I try to load them.

> This means I cannot get to the !NetSurf site or anywhere else.

Have a look at NetSurf$ChoicesSave(Macro) - probably

I had a corrupted HotList which caused a similar problem. The Hotlist is
html, so can be inspected in StrongEd or whatever.

Richard Torrens. for genealogy, natural history, wild food, walks, cats
and more!

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