"Richard Torrens (lists)", on 22 Oct, wrote: > http://www.oldstylesiamese.co.uk/kitten-list/adverts/male-female-old-style-kittens/ > > There is a link in the html which goes: > > <dt>Website</dt> <dd><a class="plain" > href="http://www.arpegesiamesecats.co.uk">www.arpegesiamesecats.co.uk</a></dd> > > but pointing to it or clicking on it takes me to > http://www.emrys-siamese.co.uk/ > > This does not happen on firefox, and I can't see why Netsurf should do it! > > > This is with 3.4 (Dev CI #3005) > That is unspeakably wierd!!
I think it must be a layout error somehow, the real link to 'emrys-siamese', as revealed by Safari, is actually under the "Built By Emrys" link at the bottom of the Safari rendition but which on NetSurf it is on the right hand side level with the area that appears to link to the wrong place. It is as if a box has wrapped around to the left hand side. Just hover the mouse over the afflicted areas. -- David Pitt