I've noticed whilst doing some html work that netsurf will barf/break where 
other browsers don't.
It's always down to a fault with my html, that's one of the many reasons I'm 
now using netsurf
for development work, then testing with other browsers.
It only used to be IE that "auto-corrected" badly formed html, it's sad Chrome 
and Firefox are
now up to those dirty tricks too.
So I would say it is definitely a very bad browser bug, just not in Netsurf ;-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Kendrick" <r...@netsurf-browser.org>
To: netsurf-users@netsurf-browser.org
Sent: Friday, 28 August, 2015 13:53:18
Subject: Re: <P><LI>

On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 04:52:04AM -0800, Dave Higton wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Aug 2015 12:50:00 +0100 Richard Torrens wrote:
> > Doing a list of genealogical notes, I wanted to space them out so there
> > was a blank line between each record. So I replaced each <LI> by <P><LI>.
> > 
> > This does not work in Netsurf - but does in Firefox and Chrome
> > 
> > Is this a bug?
> > 
> > The page in question is
> > www.torrens.org.uk/Genealogy/Torrens/DataScot/sasines.html
> <p> opens a paragraph.  You need to close it again afterwards with </p>.
> Paragraphs are rendered with blank lines between them.

Alternatively, add padding using CSS or use <br />.


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