On 14 Aug 2015 Daniel Silverstone <dsilv...@netsurf-browser.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 22:56:41 +0100, Gerald Dodson wrote: >> Has any one else had this version fail? > It is distinctly likely that current CI builds will cause issues. We're > undergoing a *huge* JS transition and forcing JS on while we do it. If you > encounter issues, turn JS off after loading your browser (note it will > turn on > again next time the browser loads). > Once the JS situation has calmed a little, we'll allow it to be > Choices-controlled again. Remember, the CI builds are not guaranteed > stable by > any means, and as such things like this will happen. > We've already found what we believe to be a bug in UNIXLib and we are > investingating it -- it can cause the browser to segfault and thus vanish > without apparent error. > Sadly I can't give you an ETA on this, though I hope we'll be fairly close to > our goal by the end of next week. > Some of us (myself and Vince included) have been spending a huge > amount of our > time on this, we're not leaving you in the lurch; and John-Mark has been > instrumental in helping track down the UNIXLib issue. Many thanks, and all your work is much appreciated. Is this possibly an explanation of why, for me, the latest test builds load and then vanish within less than a second? I've reported this on the bug tracker. Best wishes, Peter. -- Peter Young (zfc Os) and family Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk pnyo...@ormail.co.uk