On 15 Apr 2015 Brian Jordan <brian.jord...@btinternet.com> wrote: > In article <f71659b454.pnyo...@pnyoung.ormail.co.uk>, > Peter Young <pnyo...@ormail.co.uk> wrote: >> On 14 Apr 2015 Peter Young <pnyo...@ormail.co.uk> wrote:
>>> I have tried to report this on the bug tracker, but can't. It didn't >>> accept my username and password, I have tried twice to change the >>> password, and still can't get in. Perhaps someone who can access the >>> tracker might kindly like to report it. >>> ARMini, RISC OS 5.18, NS #2720 >>> I tried to access http://www.remapglos.org.uk/ and get "Warning from >>> NetSurf: OK". The site works properly on Chrome in Windows. I have the >>> relevant logfile. >> I have now been able to report this using Windows Chrome, but still >> can't do it with RISC OS NetSurf. Why, I wonder? > If you want to enhance your report Netsurf is being tripped up by the > following meta statement within the <head></head> of the document. > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content= > "text/html; charset=us-ascii" /> > An interesting page in many ways, running it through HTML Tidy here > throws up a lot of warnings and concludes "Info: Document content looks > like HTML Proprietary" Thanks, Brian, and I've added a note, even though I don't understand what you say! The NetSurf site seems to have had a hiccup this morning, in that I could neither log in nor download the latest version. All seems to be well now, and I can log in to the bug tracker using NetSurf once more. Best wishes, Peter. -- Peter Young (zfc Re) and family Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk pnyo...@ormail.co.uk