In article
   David Feugey <> wrote:
> And so carriage return is sometimes applied at the wrong place.
> Will this bug be corrected?

I think this 'bug' has been present for a long time, where NetSurf
puts in a line break at a tag or entity, splitting words etc. You
read the ROOL forum. Have you not noticed that words like you're or
won't or I'll get split if the html code for the right single quote
is being used. These abbeviations are used a lot in the forum, so the
splitting at the end of a line is quite common. It also happens with
tags if they are used in the middle of a word, eg if a sequence such
as <i>iso</i>propyl is being used. I am working on converting some
issues of Archive magazine to html at the moment and the sequence
R<small>ISC&nbsp;OS</small> is used a lot, so it gets split regularly.

        Chris Johnson

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