On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 08:04:02PM +0000, John Williams wrote:
> I noticed recently (from another posting) that (some) other platforms seem
> to still have Save as PDF which was implemented under RISC OS and later
> removed.

The export as PDF was implemented as a core feature using a library
called libharu. unfortunately the library has not had a new release
since version 2.2 (several years ago) and NetSurf requires fixes that
have never been released.

This issue combined with the original author abandoning the work and
the feature becoming broken has resulted in PDF export being
configured off for some time now. 

Making it work once again would require a great deal of work which
no one has yet committed to doing.

> I was wondering about the status of this, as it seemed like a miracle at
> the time.
> I know we can still use the Drawfile export and print to a PDF file, but
> the direct option seemed so much more elegant!

Unless someone fixes it this feature is unlikely to ever return.

> John
> -- 
> | John Williams             
> | joh...@ukgateway.net
>  Names for Soul Band:- Soul Proprietor(s) *

Regards Vincent

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