On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 12:46:56PM +0100, Jim Nagel wrote:
> Rob Kendrick  wrote on 26 Sep:
> > On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 07:20:56AM +0100, Andrew Pinder wrote:
> >> I will be happy to install an updated version of !Cache, especially if
> >> the problem I have happens to be solved.  In the meantime I would
> >> appreciate it if the datestamps could be preserved so it doesn't
> >> appear to be updated.
> > Sadly this is an unavoidable artifact of the version control system we
> > use.  Each development build has with it a list of changes that can be
> > viewed using the Jenkins interface, however.
> Please explain "Jenkins interface" and how to get to it.  This is a 
> new term on me.  Just me?  (Mein Unwissendheit entschuldigen, bitte.)

It is linked to off http://ci.netsurf-browser.org/ - beware that it is
for advanced users only.  These are development builds, after all.


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