It's good to see the World Out There starting to adopt drag-and-drop 
in some situations where Acornuts have taken it for granted for 30 

For instance is a service that calculates the MD5 
checksum for any file without having to upload it:  you just drag the 
file out of its directory to the dropzone on the web page.  This works 
a treat in Windows on my laptop.

Unfortunately, though, not in RiscOS Netsurf:  if the file is a Jpeg 
or text, Netsurf displays the picture or text rather than feeding the 
file to the MD5 calculator.

Of course, it could be that the calculation is performed by Javascript 
so Netsurf couldn't handle the job anyway.

But I'm curious about the technique involved in registering a file's 
pathname by this "dropzone" method.  Can Netsurf cope with this in 

Jim Nagel              

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