In article <>, Brian Jordan <> wrote: > In article <>, > Vincent Sanders <> wrote: > > I am pleased to be able to announce that I have enabled the persistent > > source object cache on the RISC OS build. This means that RISC OS CI > > builds from #1956 onwards have the capability to store cacheable > > objects fetched from from the web to disc.
> > I would appreciate any feedback on this feature though bugs should be > > logged through the usual means of the bug tracker. > [Snip] > Subjectively, this is a massive enhancement. Using the default cache > size I feel I am seeing reloads of pages very much quicker than before. > I am just off to set a masive cache size on this machine... I have trebled the cache here and this morning have been browsing a forum site onto which users load unnecessarily large photographs. The reloading of these pictures used to take so long on Netsurf that I preferred to use a Windows browser when I visited it. Although still a little slower than the Windows browser I can now happily use NetSurf with so much being preserved between sessions. Thank you. -- _____________________________________________________________________ Brian Jordan Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro RISC OS 6.20 _____________________________________________________________________ --- This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.