In article <>,
   cj <> wrote:
> I am no further forward. Have now fired up the BeagleBoard, and 1773
> works fine on that.

> About the only thing I can try with the Iyo is to install a clean
> boot from the ROOL site, and try with that.

I have shuffled about various !Boots and soft loads and find that I can use
NetSurf version 1773 on my 2014-03-26 !Boot with the  2014-03-28 5.21 soft

I cannot run NetSurf version 1733 with the 2014-03-28 !Boot with or without
the soft load. This same problem seems to affect !PackMan as well and again
goes away if running my 2014-03-26 !Boot.

So I suspect that it is something that has changed in the latest !Boot.

Regards Ron.

NetSurf version  1766

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