On Thu, 06 Feb 2014 23:38:10 GMT Geoffrey Baxendale wrote:

> In message <c42a61d553.davem...@my.inbox.com>
>           Dave Higton <d...@davehigton.me.uk> wrote:
>> In message <mpro.n0iifp008cgrh041t.pit...@pittdj.co.uk>
>>           David Pitt <pit...@pittdj.co.uk> wrote:
>> >Geoffrey Baxendale, on 4 Feb, wrote:
>>>> Is it just me, or is Netsurf's sockets system awry. After a modest
>>>> browsing session Internet access freezes up due,  I think,
>>>>  to sockets being used up. Qitting Netsurf restores order. It seems to
>>>>  have started about a couple of weeks ago. Not sure of the exact time.
>>>> Risc Os 6.2 NS R1681. (JSoff)
>> >The same thing happens here with #1694 on a Raspberry Pi, OS5.21
>> (31Jan14).
>> >I have resurrected a Socket Counter application, !SockCtr, which dates
>> back
>> >to the time when Oregano2 managed to do a similar trick. It is a
>> frontend to
>> >David Ruck's SocketCount.
>> >http://pittdj.co.uk/software/index.htm
>> Thank you for that useful app, David.  It confirms Netsurf's problem
>> nicely.  The number of sockets starts off for me at 90, and gradually
>> collapses.  When it reaches 0, NS can't resolve the link.  The number
>> rarely increases at all.
>> But the clincher is: quit NS, and the number instantly goes back up
>> to 90.
>> I'm confirming it with build 1694 and 1615.  There's a big gap in
>> the versions I've kept; the latest before 1615 is 1356, which behaves
>> very differently.  Curiously, the sockets are recovered not when a
>> page closes, but when a new one is opened.
>> Dave
> As far as I can tell, 1614 is OK and 1635 not. Don't have any builds
> between those here. When I have more time I will try and narrow it down
> further. (All Non JS)

Geoff, can you use SockCtr and see if 1614 reclaims sockets under the
same circumstances as 1356?  This is worth adding to the bug report.


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