On Mon, Feb 03, 2014 at 11:44:03PM +0000, cj wrote:
> In article <803664d453.wra...@wra1th.plus.com>,
>    Gavin Wraith <ga...@wra1th.plus.com> wrote:
> > NetSurf 3.1 (Dev CI #1681-9) all give "bad archive" when I try to
> > unzip. The relevant files appear to be !Help, !Run and !RunImage.
> > Is this just me?
> There does seem to have been a problem with the jsoff builds
> recently. The zips arrive as zero length files. The json version

The CI system is no longer generating jsoff builds at all for any
target that supports a build with javascript.

The ability to disable javascript as an option remains.

This was a decision made at the developer workshop (it is on the

> seems fine. It is screwing up my auto download and updater, though,
> because the extraction of Netsurf from the zero length zip obviously
> fails.

In fact its not you are downloading zero length archives, it is more
that you are trying to fetch non-existant archives.

> -- 
>       Chris Johnson

Regards Vincent

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