On 26 Jan 2014 as I do recall,
          Cristopher Dewhurst  wrote:

> Where do you find the options to transfer to/withdraw from bank
> account? As far I know it's in a ribbon of options which doesn't
> appear in Netsurf, though does in other browsers. Is there an
> alternative way of getting at it?
When I log in to Paypal.co.uk I get presented with a warning screen
reading 'Logging you in securely...' and under that a list of links
starting with 'My Account' and going down through 'Overview', 'Add
Funds' and 'Withdraw' - 'Transfer to Bank Account' is a subcategory of
'Withdraw' (although in practice the links seem to go to the same page).

However, it no longer works with NetSurf, and nor does the 'Send Money'
link in the second column (haven't tried any of the others recently...)
so I'm not sure how much use this information is.   :-(

Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

When you breathe you inspire;  when you do not breathe, you expire.

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