On Tue, 01 Oct 2013 14:16:24 +0100, Michael Drake wrote:

> > Editing blunders should be handled by undo/redo.  NetSurf's textarea
> > doesn't currently support this.
> Supported via keyboard shortcut in the latest build.  The shortcut depends
> on the front end.

   |   GTK & Framebuffer   |   RISC OS   |      AmigaOS 4      |
   | Undo   | Redo         | Undo | Redo | Undo     | Redo     |
   | Ctrl+Z | Ctrl+Y or    | F8   | F9   | RAmiga+Z | RAmiga+Y |
   |        | Ctrl+Shift+Z |      |      |          |          |

> The other front ends don't yet pass KEY_UNDO / KEY_REDO to the core.

AmigaOS frontend does now, see above.
I've used RAmiga+Z because that's what the Style Guide says should be
Undo, despite Workbench using Z for Clear selection.  I've removed the
shortcut from Clear selection as I don't think it needs one anyway
(the Style Guide didn't have an opinion on that or Redo).

Are there any can_undo()/can_redo() type functions?  I'd like to
disable the items when they can't be used, although it's not a major


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