On 6 Jul 2013  Brian Howlett <brian.gro...@brianhowlett.me.uk> wrote:

> On 6 Jul, Brian Bailey wrote:

>> At Amazon site,

>> http://www.amazon.co.uk/packaging

>> Upper part of page, rendering ever so slightly a bit of a shambles.

>> Seems to be confined to this particular page.

>> #1276 otherwise appears to be OK.

> Seems OK here - I've just had a look at a few Amazon pages and could
> observe no issues, with the possible exception that the Search box is
> a little high, and the text on the Go button is aligned to the top
> instead of the centre.

And here too, but what I get from that URL is my pre-checkout page, 
where I have to put in my password. Could Brian perhaps post a 
screenshot of what he's seeing?

BTW, the box for entering the e-mail address on the pre-checkout page 
is very small. No problem for me, as Amazon store my address, so it's 
already filled in. Is that worth a bug report?

With best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc Ta) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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