On 31 May 2013  cj <ch...@chris-johnson.org.uk> wrote:

> In article <e175865453.wra...@wra1th.plus.com>,
>    Gavin Wraith <ga...@wra1th.plus.com> wrote:
>> If not, then maybe some approximation could
>> be kludged using function keys.

> There is always FFiller by Kevin Wells. I have found it quite useful
> in the past. Always use it for eg ROOL forum.

Or if you are paranoid about having visible passwords on your system, 
CrypStor by Frank de Bruijn will store passwords encrypted. You can 
export these passwords as a text file, then drag and drop the relevant 
one into NetSurf, then delete the export file.

It's at http://aconet.org/crypstor/

I didn't find it totally intuitive to start with, but I now find it 
extremely useful.

Probably OT here, though.

With best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc Ta) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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