On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 02:53:18PM +0100, Gerald Dodson wrote: > Following the recent changes and my deletion of ..Choices the colours have > obviously changed - in the Hotlist in particular. I have looked at the > User document but not found any way of changing the colours. How can this > be done?
The default colours can now be configured by each frontend maintainer as they see fit. I beleive on RISC OS the defaults are derived from the wimp colours and on GTK they are the css spec defined defaults (which are a bit ugly truth be told). However there are user settings to override all these. you can see all configuration values on the about:Choices page and see the pretty version on about:config The numbers are hexidecimal values in the format OOBBGGRR Where O is opacity 0x00 is opaque 0xff is transparent BB is blue GG is green RR is red For reference the default values are: sys_colour_ActiveBorder:d3d3d3 sys_colour_ActiveCaption:f1f1f1 sys_colour_AppWorkspace:f1f1f1 sys_colour_Background:6e6e6e sys_colour_ButtonFace:f9f9f9 sys_colour_ButtonHighlight:ffffff sys_colour_ButtonShadow:aeaeae sys_colour_ButtonText:4c4c4c sys_colour_CaptionText:4c4c4c sys_colour_GrayText:505050 sys_colour_Highlight:0008c0 sys_colour_HighlightText:ffffff sys_colour_InactiveBorder:f1f1f1 sys_colour_InactiveCaption:e6e6e6 sys_colour_InactiveCaptionText:a6a6a6 sys_colour_InfoBackground:efdf8f sys_colour_InfoText:000000 sys_colour_Menu:f1f1f1 sys_colour_MenuText:4e4e4e sys_colour_Scrollbar:cccccc sys_colour_ThreeDDarkShadow:aeaeae sys_colour_ThreeDFace:f9f9f9 sys_colour_ThreeDHighlight:ffffff sys_colour_ThreeDLightShadow:ffffff sys_colour_ThreeDShadow:d5d5d5 sys_colour_Window:f1f1f1 sys_colour_WindowFrame:4e4e4e sys_colour_WindowText:000000 -- Regards Vincent http://www.kyllikki.org/