I recently had opportunity to integrate a translation platform into the NetSurf workflow[1].
This integration has been performed on the transifex platform, is complete, and does work reasonably. However without real actual translations it is not useful. I would like to invite anyone with translation skills to improve the netsurf project by using this web interface to enter translations[2]. I am especially interested in any of our current developers providing translatiopns who wish to become translation reviewers to ensure we maintain a high quality. The current number of translated/reviewed strings by language is: English: 100%/100% French: 93%/93% Dutch: 92%/92% German: 92%/92% Italian: 92%/92% Spanish: 87%/0% Chinese: 0%/0% The review status is purely based on the existing corpus (i.e. if it is in the current set of translations it is considered reviwed) The spanish translation is currently a pure machine translation althouh we already have some volunteers from the translation community to whom I am grateful for their input. [1] http://vincentsanders.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/true-art-selects-and-paraphrases-but.html [2] https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/netsurf/ -- Regards Vincent http://www.kyllikki.org/