In article <>,
   Tony Moore <> wrote:
> On 10 May 2013, Tony Moore <> wrote:

> > In the ROOL Forum, Keith Dunlop pointed to
> >
> > which is an interesting review of operating system distros for the RPi.
> >
> > Using NS #1125, with JS turned off, the page displays without problem.
> > However, if JS is turned on, loading never completes, and the NS
> > display remains blank.
> >
> > Does this require a bug-report?

> No response, so I'll assume not.

This happens on a number of pages - ie jsoff is fine but json
displays nothing or parts of the page are missing. I assume it means
that when a server sends a js page, it is too complex for NetSurf to
parse and hence goes awry, whereas if the non-js page is sent, that
displays fine.

        Chris Johnson

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