In message <> Michael Drake wrote:

> In article <op.wrhukyovif396l@alansall>,
>    Alan & Sally <> wrote:

>> NetSurf 2.9 runs nicely on this set up but I have had no luck with any
>> of the later development versions. I have just downloaded 3.0 Dev #833
>> with the same result.

> It seems that since NetSurf 2.9 DNS doesn't work when running on
> VirtualRPC.  It works on real hardware and, I believe, on RPCEmu (can
> anyone confirm?).

I use recent dev builds on VRPC-SA and VRPC-SE and DNS
is fine. The only issue I have is that when I connect to
the company VPN (Cisco software) the DNS breaks and
nothing will resolve. As soon as I disconnect the VPN it
works again.

When NS DNS lookups fail, the Windows7 apps like Firefox
seem to do DNS lookups OK. Since the resolver addresses
are as far as I can see identical in both Windows side
and RISC OS I don't know how it breaks. Other networking
such as connection to mail server and NFS mounts all
continue working and its only DNS that seems to be broken.

> None of the NetSurf developers have VirtualRPC so we aren't in a position
> to investigate this.  Perhaps you could contact the VirtualRPC developers,
> if it's still being maintained?

If you want to try anything, pass it my way. I'm using
VRPC and NS all day every day at home and at work.


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