On 17 Feb 2013  Jim Nagel <nets...@abbeypress.co.uk> wrote:

> Steve Fryatt  wrote on 17 Feb:
>> You've said this before; have you submitted a bug report?

> Had nil response last time I said it.
> Have put bug-report on Sourceforge page now.

> (Sourceforge takes a little getting-head-round.  A feature request I
> submitted some while ago was marked "5", which in the absence of any
> explanation I took to mean 5 messages in the thread, but could not
> figure out how to read the thread.  In fact I could not tell whether
> this item in the list was the feature request I had submitted or
> whether it was a similar idea from somebody else -- a lot of folks
> there seem to be called Nobody.)

I think the "5" is a measure of priority, on a scale of one to ten. 
Five seems to be the default.

With best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc Ta) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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