On 14 Jan, Harriet Bazley wrote in message <fb57ad0d53.harr...@blueyonder.co.uk>:
> Iconbar menu: Choices->Content Disable JavaScript on/off. > > I'm assuming that the -jsoff versions don't have this extra option icon at > all, since the -json versions seem to have the Disable option set by > default. (Probably wisest as it makes the application less stable.) I think they do, as ISTR hitting a problem with making its appearance in the templates conditional (in the way that the Plugins checkbox is). On the -jsoff builds, the option will have no effect, however (and again IIRC it's actually forced off on those builds). > Otherwise I'm not aware of any other mechanism for discerning which of the > versions you have (other than a much larger !RunImage on disc!) Don't the infobox strings differ? I've not got RISC OS in front of me at present, so I can't check. -- Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Show Saturday 20 April 2013 http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/ http://www.wakefieldshow.org.uk/