The following bytes were arranged on 16 Dec 2012 by Gavin Wraith : > With NetSurf #739. If I browse > > it displays OK. If I save or do a full save of the page, and then browse > the resulting local page the Greek text displays as garbage. Why is there > a difference?
This question's come up before. It's probably because, when you fetch the file over HTTP, the server knows it's in UTF-8 and tells NetSurf so, but when you load a local file, RISC OS doesn't tell NetSurf what encoding it's in and so NetSurf is reduced to guesswork. Presumably whatever encoding it defaults to is not the correct one in your case. -- __<^>__ === RISC OS is a work of art. Some people adore it, === / _ _ \ === others can't see the point of it, and it's really === ( ( |_| ) ) === expensive. === \_> <_/ ======================= Martin Bazley ===================