On 22 Nov 2012  Peter Young <pnyo...@ormail.co.uk> wrote:


> Whereas with #665 and RISC OS 5.19 on an ARMini, while I did have the
> file truncated a while ago, it doesn't seem to be happening now. Not,
> at least, till the fairy dust that a friend is sure inhabits all
> computers sees this message :-)

That happened sooner than I expected! I imported a 32K hotlist from 
the backup of the late Iyo, and ran NetSurf, and then quitted it. 
There was a bleep, and 32K suddenly became 8K. Is it something to do 
with the size of the hotlist perhaps?

Looking back, I have had a couple of unexplained bleeps when shutting 
down the machine, and I now know why!

With best wishes,


Peter   \  /      zfc Ta     \     Prestbury, Cheltenham,  Glos. GL52
and      \/ __            __  \                              England.
family   / /  \ | | |\ | /  _  \      http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
        /  \__/ \_/ | \| \__/   \______________ pnyo...@ormail.co.uk

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