On 14 Oct 2012 as I do recall,
          Rob Kendrick  wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 01:29:33PM +0100, Martin Bazley wrote:
> > The thing which is *really* annoying about using NetSurf on a USB drive
> > is the enormous amount of time it takes to quit - up to thirty seconds
> > on a bad day!

> > I'm at a loss to understand exactly what 'bitmaps' NetSurf could have
> > 'modified' in the course of the session, or where it's 'saving' them to.
> > All I know is that this is a horrendously inefficient operation!
> They're probably the webpage thumbnails used in the history viewer.  It
> might be nice to have an option to disable this.

Since NetSurf isn't actually reloading (or at least displaying) them at
the moment, it does sound like a good idea.

Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

Flying is the art of throwing yourself at the ground... and missing.

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