On 11 Oct 2012 Chris Newman  wrote:

> In article <2348b5dc52....@nails.abbeypress.net>,
>    Jim Nagel <nets...@abbeypress.co.uk> wrote:

> <snip>

>> I suggest this simple textfile stating a "latest change" date because
>> it's tedious to go through the process of merging !Boot and !System on
>> three separate machines every time a new test build of Netsurf is
>> installed, when in fact nothing has changed.

> Personally, I gave up constantly merging !Boot & !System. I just rely on
> Netsurf complaining if something ain't right.

Why not just take the additional resources out of the zip file 
altogether and either make them available separately or provide links 
to them elsewhere? Like Chris I only update !Boot and !System when I 
need to - if !NetSurf complains or if I'm notified via this list.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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