The following bytes were arranged on 26 Apr 2012 by Brian Jordan :

> In article <>, David H Wild
> <> wrote:
> >
> [Snip]
> > It does it here on my RPC 6.20 with r13571 as long as the picture is on
> > the screen. Moving the page so that the picture is off the display
> > stops the flicker but moving it back restarts the flickering.
> Cat-> pigeons
> On my emulated machine (details in sig) and NetSurf r13571 I see no
> evidence of this flickering, just the pointing hand.
Can I just voice what seems to me to be the most screamingly obvious

Everyone seeing the flickering is using a real StrongARM RiscPC or
similar.  Everyone not seeing the flickering is using an Iyonix or
better, or StrongARM VRPC (which has an option to go much faster than a
real StrongARM).

Therefore, the hourglass problem is caused by your processor not being
fast enough to process whatever it is that page is doing.

(PS: I don't see it on this Iyonix either.)
  __<^>__   === RISC OS is a work of art.  Some people adore it,  ===
 / _   _ \  === others can't see the point of it, and it's really ===
( ( |_| ) ) === expensive.                                        ===
 \_>   <_/  ======================= Martin Bazley ===================

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