The following bytes were arranged on 22 Sep 2011 by Michael Drake :

> NetSurf 2.8 adds support for frames and iframes on all platforms, MIME
> type sniffing, and a new image cache. Image decoding can now be deferred
> until images are required for more optimal resource use and faster page
> load times.

Does it have support for updating the title bar when a new page loads

(Or - admittedly not on the bug tracker - converting Unicode to Latin-1
so the title bar text actually makes sense?  You don't have to look far
for an example - the link in the "BEAST" post has a Unicode separator
in its title bar text:

  __<^>__   === RISC OS is a work of art.  Some people adore it,  ===
 / _   _ \  === others can't see the point of it, and it's really ===
( ( |_| ) ) === expensive.                                        ===
 \_>   <_/  ======================= Martin Bazley ===================

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