In article <>,
   Steve Fryatt <> wrote:
> On 21 Feb, Dave Symes wrote in message
>     <>:

> > Erm! Sorry, could someone please explain what RISC OS toolbar?
> > 
> > I'm using (21st Feb) R11746 and the UI looks exactly the same as last
> > weeks and previously.

> Er, that's kind of the point.  If it looks different, I've probably got
> it wrong. :-)

> More helpfully, r11741 last night saw the introduction of a new
> implementation of the toolbar and menu handling in the RISC OS frontend.
> Apart from the fact that websites' favicons now appear in the URL
> field, there's little visible difference from a user's point of view. 
> That's the idea.


Thanks for the info.


Dave Triffid

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