On 8 Jun 2009 Harriet Bazley wrote:

> I recently fell foul of a link which used the HTML code <a
> href="/local/page" target="_new_window"> and totally failed to open in a
> new window as advertised in the body text of the parent page - is this
> valid HTML?   The only reference material I've got suggests that
> target="_blank" is the way to do this, but "new_window" seems to work in
> NetSurf as well.   "_new_window", however, despite following the same
> naming convention as "_blank" and "_parent", doesn't work.

The attribute target="_new" works with most browsers (and is valid 
html), but for idealogical reasons, not with NetSurf. I haven't come 
across of the value "_new_window" before.

|_|. _   Richard Porter               http://www.minijem.plus.com/
|\_||_                                mailto:r...@minijem.plus.com
Disclaimer: Please imagine about 50 lines of pointless clutter.

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