In article <>, John Tytgat
<> wrote:
> In message <> Evan Clark
>           <> wrote:

> > Also, what is the best way to remove it. Manual removal seems to
> > upset RUfl and NetSurf fails to load.

> Quit NetSurf (this makes that its Resources.Fonts directory gets
> removed from Font$Path), delete (or remove in case you still want a
> copy) all objects there except the NSSymbol directory.  Restart NetSurf.

That's what I was doing.

> If RUfl still complains, you might want to try to quit NetSurf, remove
> <Wimp$ScrapDir>.RUfl_cache file.  This will get automatically created
> the next time RUfl gets used (e.g. NetSurf restart).

That's the bit I failed to spot. Mission accomplished. Many thanks for
your help.


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