new twist on this one. >> On 30 Nov 2008 Jim Nagel wrote: >> >>> the other day i tried to read a webpage that had blue print on a dark >>> blue background. i couldn't make out the text. >>> >>> now, gold ol' Fresco had an option (Display > Document colours) that >>> could be deselected in a case like this. Shift-F5 for short. >>> >>> could i suggest this for Netsurf, please?
> Rob Kendrick wrote on 30 Nov : >> This has been a long-standing feature request, and it will happen when >> somebody with the spare time chooses to do it. Unfortunately, there >> are plenty of other more interesting things to do at the moment :( Jim wrote on March 2: > a couple of sites just to underline this longstanding feature request: > > this one is close to home! ;=} today i met the designer of the first site and the colour issue came up. he points out that it is designed to be simple black text on a white background. i tried Firefox, and verily i see simple black on white. i checked with Fresco, and it too shows black on white. so why is Netsurf (r6761 and 6288 before) showing unreadable blue on black? the second site is by Michael Drake. Netsurf shows his links as unreadable blue on black, whereas Firefox shows them underlined white on black. -- >>> no need to reply my entire message back to me ;=] Jim Nagel Abbey Press 32 Norbins Rd (01458) 83 3603 Glastonbury BA6 9JG pocket 0797 415 3861