On 26 Feb 2009, Rob Kendrick <r...@netsurf-browser.org> wrote:


> On this subject, are there a significant number of people still on
> dial-up?

In fact, I'm using wireless 'broadband', which achieves about 50KB/sec,
but since its tariff is traffic based, I try to avoid 'large' downloads.

> Do I need to write some sort of incremental upgrade downloader tool if
> downloading 2MB is a chore for people?  I've been thinking about this
> for a while.

The current download zipfile is 2492KB, whereas its zipped !RunImage is
1636KB. Assuming that nothing else has changed, an incremental upgrade
would save about one third of the download time/size (unless there is a
way of patching the !RunImage file). This would be helpful, but not as
large a difference as might be expected.


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