In article <>,
   Roger Darlington <> wrote:

> If I visit (on my hard drive) numerouus pages of my wild flower 
> website (URL above) which uses a lot of jpegs on one page, and first 
> visit a lot of pages with loads of jpegs on each, then scroll up and 
> down a page with 8 or so jpegs on it, eventually the images will start 
> to break up, un-able to keep up with the scrolling/refreshing, and 
> show a horizontal venetian blind effect, consisting of repeated 
> sections of the same image separated by 1/4 inch or so, to form a 
> venetian blind.

Do you use Geminus? If so, open its Choices and in the "Accelerarion
options", add an entry for NetSurf if there isn't one already and make
sure the 2nd and 3rd options are unticked for NetSurf.



Michael Drake (tlsa)        

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