In article <>,
   Jim Nagel <> wrote:
> Torrens (lists) wrote on 13 Jan:
> >
> > one minimal page that shows the problem. As it seems to be settings
> > dependant, the same directory holds a copy of my
> > !Boot.Choices.Users.Single.WWW.NetSurf.Choices
> > and a screen shot of the Netsurf window as it renders.

> the page displayed fine here (Netsurf build r5991).
> then i compared Choices:
>     font_size:      mine 140   yours 160   default 128
>      font_min_size:  mine 100   yours 120   default  85

> i increased mine to match yours, and got the same problem as you.

> perhaps you could decrease the fontsize you specify and instead use 
> "scale view" (F11, and possibly save as default).

You got it! Choices -> Fonts -> Default -> reload and the page is OK.

Looks like we have located a bug? If the team want this reported as a bug,
can someone please do so. My life's too short to use the bugtracker.

Richard Torrens. for genealogy, natural history, wild food, walks, cats
and more!

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