Michael Drake  wrote on 8 Dec:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>    Jim Nagel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> the gotcha, as i discovered the hard way, is that Netsurf gives this
>> URL a filename that is the same as the leafname of the URL.  which in
>> the case of http://www.avisoft.force9.co.uk/TaskUsage.htm was
>> TaskUsage, which happened also to be the name of the main module
>> within the app.

> Iconbar menu > Choices...  Open the "Interface" section and untick "Strip
> filename extensions when saving".

OK, that saves my URL as "taskusage/htm".  it isn't an HTML file, but 
i guess i can live with this inelegancy since it makes the gotcha less 
likely to happen.

the next item on Choices>Interface, now that i'm looking there, 
happens to be "Request confirmation before overwriting files".  this 
IS ticked.  curious, then, that i had no confirmation before the URL 
file overwrote the module.

>>> no need to reply my entire message back to me ;=]
Jim Nagel                        www.archivemag.co.uk
   Abbey Press   32 Norbins Rd        (01458) 83 3603
   Glastonbury   BA6 9JG         pocket 0797 415 3861

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