On 12 Aug 2008 Tony Moore wrote:

> On 12 Aug 2008, Richard Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [snip]

>> This fault is extremely sensitive to what else is on the page.

> Try running the html through Tidy. The RISC OS port is at
> http://www.archifishal.co.uk/software/riscos/tidy.shtml and a user guide
> by Dave Raggett is at http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Guide/

Well that's not really the point. I have modified the page so that the 
fault doesn't appear. It's very hard to replicate and I can't easily 
raise a bug report without going to a lot of trouble to remove all the 
login details from the formlets.

> *tidy <filename> -mi will fix any bugs and 'pretty print' the html (take
> a copy first in case you wish to compare the input and output).

The html is well laid-out and I don't want it "pretty-printed"! The 
html is valid although there is some surplus information such as class 
attributes with no css, and session IDs which are meaningless on a 
fixed form.

|_|. _   Richard Porter               http://www.minijem.plus.com/
|\_||_                                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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