On 13 May 2008 John-Mark Bell wrote:

> On Tue, 13 May 2008, Paul Vigay wrote:

>> I know what would be good....
>> When you click 'back' on NetSurf, it could keep any data entered into
>> forms. ...

> Increase the memory cache size to enhance the chances of clicking back
> retaining the form data. I suspect there's already a feature request for
> this feature.

>> The only (occasional) way around this is to adjust click on the submit
>> button to submit into a new window, but sometimes this doesn't work.

> There shouldn't be any difference (other than adjust producing a new
> window).

I think Paul's point is that if the response comes back in a new 
window the original window containing the form data will still be 

|_|. _   Richard Porter               http://www.minijem.plus.com/
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